Dual Format Pocket


This new pocket design opens all your typical full size broadsheet jackets and lapped tabloids. With a turn of a switch you can then lap open a small quarter fold style jacket. No pocket set-up is required.No other equipment supplier can switch between the two formats with no set-up. The addition of a second gripping shelf and pusher fingers allows for this opening flexibility. Included with these pockets are center clip inhibit cams at the opener and delivery to assure proper product repair. Once the jacket is opened, it is held open until delivery, if a product is re-circulated for repair, the product remains clipped. This feature allow for full size inserts to be fed into an open quarter fold. This pocket is an option on all new Titan inserters and can be easily retrofitted on any circular or oval inserting machine.

  • Standard lap opening of broadsheet
  • Standard vacuum opening of broadsheet and tabloid
  • Lap opening of quarter fold style jacket
  • An option on all new Titan Inserters and can be easily retrofitted on any circular or oval inserting machine.

The only Pocket on the market that can switch from typical full size broadsheet jackets and lapped tabloids to small quarter fold style jacket with NO SET UP REQUIRED!

Additional Features:
The center clip toggle cam at the opener station has a cam position lock that allow allows for quick set-up between vacuum opening and lap opening,When the center clip toggle cam-lock is set for lap opening, the center gripper is closed when the movable wall is closed, when the center clip toggle cam-lock is set for vacuum opening, the center clip is held open until the outer clip has gripped the jacket and the movable wall has opened. This cam no longer needs to be moved up or down stream.

Functional Operation for Various Products:

  • Standard lap opening of Broadsheet (center clip toggle cam-lock set for lap opening) The Jacket is fed into the pocket and as it passes the opener station the center clip cam opens the center gripper and the movable wall is then rotated closed by the pocket closing cam, the movable wall is closed and the brush pushed the top edge over to the angled surface, the center clip is now lowered gripping the lap.The movable wall opens.
  • Standard vacuum opening of Broadsheet or tabloid (center clip toggle cam-lock set for vacuum opening). The Jacket is fed into the pocket and as it passes the opener station the center clip cam opens the center gripper, theouter gripper is opened, and the movable wall is then rotated closed by the pocket closing cam, the movable wall is closed and the brush pushed the top edge over to the angled surface and sucker cup, the outer clip is now lowered gripping the jacket.The movable wall opens and then the center clip is lower gripper the jacket.
  • Lap opening of quarter fold style jacket (center clip toggle cam-lock set for lap opening, finger cam switched to ON) Jacket is fed into the pocket and as it passes the opener station the center clip cam opens the gripper, the movable wall is then rotated closed by the pocket closing cam, then the finger cam pushes the three movable wall fingers towards the top of the quarter fold product forcing the top edge over to the angled surface, the center clip is now lowered gripping the lap.Then the pusher fingers are released and the movable wall